יומן של USF Integrative Biology Department

ארכיון יומן של אפריל 2019

אפריל 5, 2019

Report - Bugging March 30

An awesome trip, folks! Six of us were out in Green Swamp between 7pm to midnight. Weather was beautiful, with perfectly clear skies, a light breeze, and temperatures dropping from a high of 28 to a low of 14 celsius. We ran our 250 Watt metal halide light and two 4-ft fluorescent blacklight bulbs.

For once, the beetles were the clear stars of the night. We saw both species of caterpillar hunters (Calosoma spp.) that occur here, both false and true bombardiers, several large diving beetles, and our first blister beetle for this site. We even had a few fireflies throughout the evening, my first in Florida!

Not so many moths flying yet, probably because it was early in the season, but we got a fair number of interesting noctuids and a few sphinx moths as well.

On the herping front, we spotted an Eastern spadefoot toad, and an Eastern fence lizard, both before it got dark. We also had sigtings of an opossum and something loud in the bushes that was probably an armadillo.

We'll be putting out a new trip schedule soon, including a seining trip and another bug night, so watch your emails for these announcements!

~David Durieux

הועלה ב-אפריל 5, 2019 01:25 אחה"צ על ידי durieudm durieudm | תגובה 1 | הוספת תגובה

אפריל 9, 2019

Seining and Bug Party

Seining trip and Bug Party! After a successful bug night last weekend, we've set a schedule for two upcoming trips. The first, on April 27, will be a seining trip to Fred Howard Park. The second will be a bug night and party on May 11. RSVP for either trip so I know how many to plan for.

Seining will be at Fred Howard Park starting at 9am. We will bring nets and holding tanks. Please bring:
-Fishing License (All 16+ need to have a fishing license and show it to me. No Exceptions, sorry.)
-Water shoes and swimwear
-Hats, sunscreen, etc.
-Beach Chairs
-Food to share

For the bug night on May 11, I want to do something slightly different. We've got enough time to make an actual party out of it. I would like to get some food and drinks (pot luck) and bring out a grill. We will meet at our usual site (email me for directions if you need them) a bit before sunset, turn the lights on at dusk, and bug until we drop. Coffee will be available. If all goes to plan, this will also be the first outing with our new 1000 Watt light.

We will supply lights, sheets, and a generator, so please bring:

  • Food/drinks for potluck (I'll bring plates, cups, utensils)
  • Flashlights
  • Folding chairs
  • Cameras
  • Closed toed shoes
  • Long sleeves/pants
    -Bug spray only if you don't plan on approaching the lights, we don't want to harm the insects or drive them away.

~David Durieux

הועלה ב-אפריל 9, 2019 06:26 אחה"צ על ידי durieudm durieudm | תגובה 1 | הוספת תגובה
