EDIT - Male Diana Spotted in Faulkner County yesterday!

The posts I saw from Springfield have been recognized as captive/cultivated in the Bill Roston Native Butterfly House in the Springfield Botanical Gardens. So no wild Diana yet, BUT we did get invited up to visit the folks who are tending the house and raising the Dianas! Who wants to go visit? Field trip?

hr_dragonfly posted a sighting - nhttps://www.inaturalist.org/photos/284740358

There were a few others in Springfield but I'm not sure if they are wild or in a butterfly house. I have reached out the persons to request clarification.

הועלה ב-מאי 30, 2023 12:31 אחה"צ על ידי shawnhunter shawnhunter


Hi Shawn, Chris Barnhart here. My wife Debra and I curate the Bill Roston Native Butterfly House in the Springfield Botanical Gardens. We have Diana on display now, from captive culture. Also Regal, and Great Spangled. We are stocking Diana at a site in Christian County. I’d be pleased to talk with you about fritillaries! My email is chrisbarnhart@missouristate.edu. I’m also here on Inat (as Musselhead)

פורסם על-ידי musselhead לפני יותר משנה

Hello Chris! Thanks for reaching out. You guys have a very awesome and important job. I am hoping to make it up to visit the Roston house soon. I would love to see your Diana's and how you do all of that. Would you be willing to give myself and my cohort Curtis Leister a tour? I will reach out via email and give you my contact info.

פורסם על-ידי shawnhunter לפני יותר משנה

Yesterday (September 9, 2023) around noon, along the side of a dirt road in Pope County (Raspberry, Arkansas) my family and I spotted a single Diana as we were leaving Six Finger Falls. I knew these butterflies were rare, but didn’t realize until today that the Diana Project existed. I wish we would have stopped and tried to get a photo.

פורסם על-ידי kakawill לפני בערך 1 שנים

Hi kakawill! Thanks for commenting. I messaged you also, but wanted to say Thank you! All sighting data is valuable :)

פורסם על-ידי shawnhunter לפני בערך 1 שנים

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