The ostrich (Struthio camelus) as a quasi-ungulate, part 2: proportional sizes of organs in ostrich-size, yearling juveniles of the eastern white-bearded wildebeest (Connochaetes albojubatus) near Nairobi, Kenya

The following illustrate juveniles of the eastern white-bearded wildebeest (Connochaetes albojubatus, at an ontogenetic stage corresponding in body mass approximately to adults of the coexisting Maasai ostrich (Struthio camelus massaicus,

Please note that the body mass has just exceeded half of maternal body mass, but the horns - albeit much longer than the ears or mane - are still simple spikes directed dorsally.

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Sample size large, of both sexes

Wildlife Ranching and Research, later Swara Plains Conservancy, and now incorporated into Nairobi National Park


The following are mean values of percentage of body mass, followed by the actual masses in parentheses.

Body mass 111 kg

Carcass mass = 54.22% (60.184 kg)

Skin = 7.92% (8.788 kg)

Feet = 2.93% (3.253 kg)

Head = 7.29% (8.088 kg)

Brain = 0.267% (0.296 kg)

Eyeballs = 0.0438% (2 X 0.0243 kg)

Tongue = 0.23% (0.259 kg)

Masseter muscle = 0.266% (2 X 0.148 kg)

Heart = 0.726% (0.806 kg)

Lungs = 1.55% (1.726 kg)

Spleen = 0.35% (0.392 kg)

Liver = 1.28% (1.422 kg)

Kidneys = 0.265% (2 X 0.147 kg)

Rumen = 1.67% (1.859 kg)

Reticulum = 0.275% (0.305 kg)

Omasum = 0.43% (0.480 kg)

Abomasum = 0.34% (0.375 kg)

Total intestines (full?) = 4.83% (5.363 kg)

Total stomach = 2.72% (3.019 kg)


Elsewhere in this series of Posts, I compare the Maasai ostrich with a coexisting alcelaphin ruminant - namely Alcelaphus cokii ( - of similar adult body mass to the bird.

The values presented here - except for brain and skin - exceed those of adults of A. cokii, of similar body mass, in their overall resemblance to the Maasai ostrich.

The ostrich is constituted in some ways like juveniles of a ruminant, with big organs and feet (suggesting emphasis on mobility and foraging and rapid metabolism).

הועלה ב-מאי 18, 2024 03:19 אחה"צ על ידי milewski milewski


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