Global Conservation Consortium for Erica

The Global Conservation Consortium for Erica brings together the world’s Erica experts, conservationists, and the botanic garden community to ensure that no wild species of Erica becomes extinct.

Of 944 such taxa in the South African National Biodiversity Institute’s Red List,

הועלה ב-יוני 24, 2022 09:07 לפנה"צ על ידי tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


GCC Erica has been making progress in the last year: here a quick update, feel free to share.

If you want to keep in touch, the best way is to sign up to GCC Erica as an individual affiliate via the link at BGCI Global Conservation Consortia site: The process is painless, and also allows you to make contact with other GCC groups.


Erica research and conservation, Cape Town, 7th October 2022. Free and open to all, with online/hybrid possibilities. For those who can attend in person, we are planning associated research activities including field trips in the period 3rd – 22nd October. Do get in touch if you are interested.

GCC Erica general meeting, online and in person in Cape Town, October 2022. We want to find a date between 10th and 22nd October that can accommodate as many attendees as possible. The steering committee should meet briefly beforehand. Here is a doodle poll for dates:

Gap analysis: GCC Magnolia released an amazing gap analysis recently (, and we want to work towards such a resource for Erica too. If you have already uploaded your accessions data to BGCI plant search (see below*) or sent it to us – great! Otherwise, it would be wonderful if you could do so or get in touch.

Plant care and propagation working group: Thanks Martin Smit for coordinating this to date, and congratulations on the move to Utrecht University! We have some recorded presentations available and would be keen to have more seminars/meetings and add more resources with the help of a new coordinator for this group. If you are interested, please get in touch.


The steering committee put together a summary paper summarising our aims and objectives and the challenges that we face that was recently published and is freely available:

Pirie, M.D., Blackhall-Miles, R., Bourke, G., Crowley, D., Ebrahim, I., Forest, F., Knaack, M., Koopman, R., Lansdowne, A., Nürk, N.M., Osborne, J., Pearce, T.R., Rohrauer, D., Smit, M., & Wilman, V. 2022. Preventing species extinctions: A global conservation consortium for Erica. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET.
You might also be interested in this contribution – also open access – on heathers in horticulture:

Nelson, E.C., & Pirie, M. 2022. Where have all the heathers gone? Sibbaldia: The International Journal of Botanic Garden Horticulture.
Please let us know about your own outputs and activities and help us to help you share them with the network and on social media.


BGCI's Global Botanic Garden Fund is open for applications from BGCI members, but the call will close very soon: 17:00 GMT on 1 July 2022.

The grants available are: BGCI Member Grants, BGCI/ArbNet Partnership Programme Grants, BGCI/Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Grants, BGCI Extinct in the Wild Grants. More information on

We would be very happy to see Erica projects proposed!

On behalf of the GCC Erica steering committee,
Mike Pirie
Friday 24 June 2022

פורסם על-ידי tonyrebelo לפני בערך 2 שנים

Many thanks @tonyrebelo for posting!

פורסם על-ידי mikepirie לפני בערך 2 שנים

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