Evolutionair onderzoek aan Knikkertjesmos - Physcomitrium pyriforme

Evolutionair onderzoek aan knikkertjesmos.

Het is een oproep om materiaal van rijpe sporenkapsels te verzamelen en naar de VS op te sturen. De instructies staan in de pdf. Het zou leuk zijn als we met een paar monsters vanuit Nederland kunnen bijdragen. Het levert je vast een naamsvermelding in een publicatie op.

This is Rafael Medina, botanist at Complutense University, Madrid. I contact you on behalf of myself and two other researchers (Bernard Goffinet and Matt Johnson, both in the United States). For a couple of years we have been working on a research project on plant genome evolution using as a model organism the moss Knikkertjesmos - Physcomitrium pyriforme. This project has benefited from the participation of many professional and amateur naturalists that have donated samples to us, we called this citizen science program PhyscoHunt. We mostly implemented it on iNaturalist, so maybe you have heard about us if you use that platform.

PhyscoHunt was quite successful in the past years and we received many samples from naturalists in North America. However, we have hardly received any sample from Europe. Due to the pandemic, field work possibilities are even more reduced for us now.

Knikkertjesmos - Physcomitrium pyriforme is a very common ephemeral moss, quite frequent next to croplands and sometimes also in urban gardens and lawns. In this link below you will find a simple flyer with the basic information about how to identify it and, if you want to help us, send a specimen for our research.


I am also happy to answer questions, so feel free to email me.

Best regards


rafael.medina_ucm.es mail
Twitter: @bryomedina

הועלה ב-פברואר 4, 2021 05:23 אחה"צ על ידי optilete optilete


For actual information check the blog, https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/physcohunt/journal/29874
they talk about an updated address??

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Ook op de nationale radio bij Vroege Vogels op zondag 23 april 2023.

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