ארכיון יומן של ינואר 2018

ינואר 17, 2018

365 Days on iNaturalist

In 2017 I participated in both in the Illinois Botanists Big Year (where I was honored to finish 2nd to @bouteloua) and the Wisconsin Botanists Big Year (where I doggedly held onto the 13th spot for total species based solely on my two-week vacation in the state). I had another project however in 2017 that crystallized only after the year was well underway: making observations every day. I know this is not a unique effort on iNat with its wealth of motivated users. In my case it was complicated by a full-time job, travel, and of course the inimitable Midwest weather. Cassi asked me to write a little essay about the experience which is posted here.

הועלה ב-ינואר 17, 2018 03:36 אחה"צ על ידי sanguinaria33 sanguinaria33 | 4 תצפיות | 5 תגובות | הוספת תגובה
