ארכיון יומן של מאי 2021

מאי 19, 2021

Are you a maverick?

From time to time, I check my "maverick" status. There's almost always an ID I've made in the past that folks have corrected....leaving me to be the sole maverick with the incorrect ID (or, more rarely, the one with the correct ID).

Replace my ID with yours in the URL below to check your status:


הועלה ב-מאי 19, 2021 11:56 אחה"צ על ידי pfau_tarleton pfau_tarleton | 5 תגובות | הוספת תגובה

מאי 23, 2021

June Bioblitz @ Timberlake Field Station

Here are observations from this weekend:
--observation mode: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?d1=2021-06-11&d2=2021-06-13&place_id=118103
--identify mode: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?quality_grade=needs_id%2Cresearch&place_id=118103&d1=2021-06-11&d2=2021-06-13

Spring 2019 bioblitz for comparison:

Notable observations (rarely seen species)
Typhoctes peculiaris
Round sand beetle
Helops farctus
Dasymutilla serenitas
Laccophilus quadrilineatus
Taedia virgulata

Please join us for a June Bioblitz at Timberlake Field Station--June 11-13 (two nights). Attendees may begin arriving 2 pm Friday and we'll depart Sunday afternoon. The bunkhouse (with electricity and restrooms) is available and has 6 twin beds (respond to reserve a bed--first come first served). I think it would be wisest to have only folks that are vaccinated in the bunkhouse. There's lots of room to pitch a tent near the restroom and shower facility.

Tarleton State University’s Timberlake Biological Field Station is an educational and research facility located on the Colorado River in the heart of Texas--midway between Austin and Abilene. The 790 acre property has over 2 miles of Colorado river frontage and includes bottomland and upland habitats.

Here's the link to detailed info about Timberlake and the bioblitz (including directions): https://docs.google.com/document/d/19D_D0b94QvtB72GR8e5cSH8XHXFSe9DS69zffjRrbtw/edit?usp=sharing

All COVID restrictions have been lifted at Tarleton, so there are no restrictions for this event.

Probable attendees:
@mikef451 (Master Naturalist, Goodwater Chapter; insect generalist; mammal enthusiast)
@lovebirder (North Central Texas Master Birder)
@sambiology (TPWD Urban Wildlife Biologist)
@amzapp (Master Naturalist, South Plains Chapter)
@annikaml (birder/mother; compulsive photographer of everything)
@jcochran706 (Master Naturalist, Goodwater Chapter)
@bacchusrock (eager plant novice)
@connlindajo (Master Naturalist, El Camino Real Chapter)
@k_mccormack (Master Naturalist, Capital Area Chapter)
@clairesorenson (member of Native Plant Society of Texas and Texas Audubon, and docent at Ladybird Wildflower Center)
@kimberlietx (Master Naturalist, Cross Timbers Chapter; gall enthusiast, Triodanis researcher).
@jwn (primarily interested in odonates and birds)
@k8thegr8 (caterpillar expert)
@brentano (Master Naturalist)
@elytrid (Bachelor's in Entomology; loves bugs and nature in general)
@rymcdaniel (interested mostly in plants)
@butterflies4fun (Master Naturalist, Blackland Prairie Chapter; insects, primarily butterflies)
@birdsandbugs27 (Master Naturalist; medical entomology graduate student)

הועלה ב-מאי 23, 2021 02:37 אחה"צ על ידי pfau_tarleton pfau_tarleton | 122 תגובות | הוספת תגובה