ארכיון יומן של אפריל 2019

אפריל 18, 2019

Getting Started!

We are slowly building the project page for the Apricot Orchard at the Los Altos History Museum. Learning to use iNaturalist is fun and challenging. We realize that this heritage orchard is not full of native species like the open spaces in the foothills around Silicon Valley. However, we think it is a wonderful learning center for folks to become familiar with which organisms are native and which are travelers from other lands. We envision restoring native plants to the area, with demonstration plots so backyard gardeners can encourage native plants and pollinators.

הועלה ב-אפריל 18, 2019 03:29 אחה"צ על ידי jmpackard jmpackard | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה

אפריל 24, 2019

Join us for the worldwide challenge this weekend!

We just learned that all observations entered on Friday through Sunday, April 26-29 may be included in the worldwide challenge for SF Bay Area cities!

This will be the focus for the Discovery Walk that I will lead in the orchard on Saturday. Folks will meet at the back door of the library at 11:00.

Here is more information about this exciting challenge:


הועלה ב-אפריל 24, 2019 10:40 אחה"צ על ידי jmpackard jmpackard | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה
