Help with identifying Western Australian native plants.
I am fortunate to have regular access to areas of bush near Wandering in Western Australia. Potentially there are around 100 or more pea flower species present in this area, plus lots of acacias and a host of tiny plants that are hard to identify.
iNats does not really help much because it is difficult or impossible to identify these species from even a few photographs as the flowers, in particular, can appear remarkably similar.
Recently, the Kings Park Herbarium staff (Kevin Thiele, Chris Hollister) have added many new scientific descriptions to Florabase, greatly improving online access to information to help with plant identification. Previously, one had to delve into botanical journals over several decades to obtain this data. Some data is also available from profiles at the Atlas of Living Australia and other state herbaria websites. See, for example,
Even with these detailed scientific descriptions, identifying a particular plant can be challenging for an amateur citizen scientist. Botanical journals typically provide a key for a species family to help with scientific identification, but using the key may require careful dissection of a flower or plant specimen to obtain the required data.
As a result, it is not surprising to find many iNats IDs that appear to be inconsistent, for example, a bunch of photographs with apparently similar flowers, but the leaves in the background have inconsistent shapes and morphology. This reflects the relatively limited information resources easily available online to help us amateur botanists.
There are some online identification tools available to help:
For Pea flowers:
For Acacias: complemented by
You can find more here, such as a tool to help identify West Australian native orchids:
Whichever tool you use, an online botanical gloassary will probably be helpful, such as:
These tools are not perfect. The underlying software works by eliminating species that don’t match a set of observed plant characteristics. Recently I found an acacia species near Wandering that was mis-identified. I had to resort to the WA Herbarium for help.
As an experiment, I compiled a spreadsheet to help identify the Faboideae we may have in our bush, and this might be useful for others too.
The scientific description data is presented in a table format. Using the drop-down menus at the table header, it is easy to work through dozens of potential matches. For example, working just with the pedicel length and whether it is hairy or not can eliminate many potential matches.
I am working on another sheet for our Goodenaceae too.
There are columns to distinguish species by leaf morphology, size and aspect ratio (from broad leaves to very thin leaves).
Let me know if you think it might be useful, and how it might be improved.
It might be helpful to draw the attention of iNats users to these tools, particularly when working through the “IDENTIFY” tasks. Also to draw attention, particularly with the diversity of West Australian species, to the need to observe details such as stem hairs, and collect measurements such as pedicel, stipule, calyx and corolla sizes to help with identification. By encouraging more people to use computer-based identification tools, we can improve the quality of iNats observations and help spread more knowledge about the wonders that nature has bequeathed for us to enjoy.