Crete Weed
How do you pronounce Hedypnois rhagadioloides anyway?
How do you pronounce Hedypnois rhagadioloides anyway?
I would be happy to help you learn to ID observations of plants as part of this Thanksgiving weekend match-up:
We can do high levels (What is a monocot? How do I know this is a legume?) or lower levels (is this Encelia californica or farinosa?) for California plants (wild or cultivated). I'm open to suggestions.
Announcing a 2-day ID-a-thon mini: the ID-Blitz! This will be a short event, running for 2 days, December 10 and 11 (UTC).
This is a great opportunity to work on IDs in a collaborative environment, with a chance to work with and support other iNat IDers. We will be focusing on IDing unknowns and observations at the Kingdom level, but all efforts at IDing are welcome and will be tracked in the project results. We will also have a collaborative ID link, where you can see the IDs made by other members of the Blitz, and work on improving IDs in areas where you have knowledge and experience.
Results will be reported for the group as a whole, not as competitive rankings. As we get closer to the event, check the project page for mentoring and team-up opportunities.
Sign up is simple, just join the project at least 24 hours before the start of the event (by December 8, midnight UTC.) You can find the project here.