1st observation:
Peak of basalt, Karoo-dolerite buttress, KZN
Specimen features
*Plant in flower
*Small, tufted herb, very short, with a basal coverage of only 5 -10 cm's (Primary growth completed?)
*No sign of secondary growth (elongation)
*Plant growing in exposed, fire-prone area
2nd observation:
Rocky, undulating slopes, Cape Sandstone, Western Cape
Specimen features
*Plant in flower
*Plant > 30 cm in height, with well defined internodes. Leaves and flowers in well-defined whorls and plant has a scrambling habit, depending partially on other plants in the scrub for support.
*Plant has completed secondary growth
*Plant growing under rocky ledge, surrounded by scrub. Unexposed area but still fire prone
This species flowers both before and after the secondary growth phase has been completed. Variables to consider in this instance would be temp and climate differences (big difference in altitudes between 2 obs), as well as species response to habitat physiognomy (1st ob - open grassland; 2nd ob - Fynbos scrub). However, it is nevertheless interesting to note that completion of secondary growth is not always a pre-condition to flowering. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that in some plants, primary growth involves thickening and leaf development only at the base (growth of basal cover), whilst secondary growth entails an elongation of the internodes and defining of the plants flower and leaf arrangement.
On Karroo dolerite sill, on south-eastern plateau of Kerkenberg Mountain
In open grassland
Slender herb with a creeping habit. Probing shoots growing from leaf axils
Leaves concentrated towards lower half of plant
Covered in fine hairs
Flowers intermediate along stem, in axillary whorls
Growing in scrub under sandstone ledge
Cape Peninsula Fynbos
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