19:00 | Inleiding door Jan Mampaey, dienst hoofd Provinciaal Natuurcentrum |
19:10 | Lezing “Bij-zonder landschap” door Joeri Cortens, Natuurpunt CVN |
20:10 | Vragen en discussie |
20:40 | Slotwoord |
Kan je niet live kijken? Geen probleem, enkele uren na de uitzending ontvang je een herbekijklink
Andre Hospers
PhD candidate Fee Smulders from Wageningen University went to the Caribbean Sea to study the ecology of sea turtles. Instead of getting results only on the behaviour of sea turtles, she found an interesting and important connection between the behaviour of tourists and that of sea turtles. By feeding sea turtles, tourists had a great impact on the feeding and overall behaviour of sea turtles. This represents an example of the fundamental impact humans can have on their environment.
During the lecture, Fee will guide you through her research and the results, talk about solutions to protect marine animals such as sea turtles and give room for questions, your ideas and discussions.
We hope to welcome you on the 01st of June, from 18:45 to 20:30 pm! You can join the lecture via the following link: https://meet.google.com/irh-eiop-jmz
Video 1: https://youtu.be/pt9X8BYAIBM
Video 2: https://youtu.be/lcFn1g2_WHI
Video 3: https://youtu.be/uAXuIIy5DXQ
1 Turtles_resting
1 Turtles_resting
2 Feeding
2 Feeding
3 Agression_habituation
3 Agression_habituation
Are you interested in how monitoring birds in the Northern Netherlands can help us to
understand the connection between the local and the global. And how this can help human
society to negotiate a way to a liveable future? Then you are welcome to join this lecture held by
Theunis Piersma.
For the last 33 years Theunis Piersma has tried to bring synergy to the two ecological institutions
of the northern Netherlands, the ones at NIOZ-Texel and the University of Groningen.
Throughout, he has built on the amazing migratory biology of the shorebirds of the Wadden Sea
and the adjacent dairy farmland. After 11 years on the Chair in Animal Ecology at RUG, for 10
years he occupies the Rudi Drent Chair in Global Flyway Ecology and is a Senior Research
Leader at the NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research.
This lecture will take place on Tuesday June 8th from 18.45 untill 20.30. You can sign up via
the following link and get some more information and get the recording of the lecture aftwards:
theunis_piersma.eventbrite.com. Everybody is welcome to join. If you do not want to sign up,
please join the lecture via google meet.
This lecture is organised and hosted by students taking the course “Birds and the Bees:
Knowledge Infrastructures for Monitoring Sustainability” in the bachelor program “Global
Responsibility and Leadership”.
Tuesday June 8th from 18.45 untill 20.30
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