Identified as: Cantorchilus leucotis (species).
*4 matching audio versions with varying noise reduction (none, minor, stronger, extreme, in that order)
Record captured by the Map of Life Rapid Assessments team during the XPRIZE Rainforest Finals in the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve of Amazonas state, Brazil.
Identified/verified by Stefano Avilla, annotation originally suggested by ML method using configuration: config/birdnet_Brazil_NR_finetuned.yaml
observation_id: b9ff3a97-810a-9d16-f052-62b1cb614109
submission_id: a4b0e7fe-f411-4c53-a307-08d64550beac
Source file reference data: 16.26_ZoomF3_3970.WAV_0.00_180.00.mp3 (raw); 3547 (standardized)
Identified as: Nasica longirostris (species).
*4 matching audio versions with varying noise reduction (none, minor, stronger, extreme, in that order)
Record captured by the Map of Life Rapid Assessments team during the XPRIZE Rainforest Finals in the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve of Amazonas state, Brazil.
Identified/verified by Stefano Avilla, annotation originally suggested by ML method using configuration: config/birdnet_Brazil_NR_finetuned.yaml
observation_id: f48488db-be24-acb3-5290-7584de8e0f42
submission_id: 9f42b23f-e7d6-4687-add4-7b45383e98db
Source file reference data: 16.36_ZoomF3_4404.WAV_540.00_180.00.mp3 (raw); 3135 (standardized)
Identified as: Glyphorynchus spirurus (species).
*4 matching audio versions with varying noise reduction (none, minor, stronger, extreme, in that order)
Record captured by the Map of Life Rapid Assessments team during the XPRIZE Rainforest Finals in the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve of Amazonas state, Brazil.
Identified/verified by Stefano Avilla, annotation originally suggested by ML method using configuration: config/birdnet_Brazil_NR_finetuned.yaml
observation_id: 56ac8ece-22f2-757c-b2d0-3f99baadacb6
submission_id: 1ac492da-beb3-4daa-9f30-ae2543aa5a89
Source file reference data: 16.8_ZoomF3_3116.WAV_360.00_180.00.mp3 (raw); 842 (standardized)
Identified as: Coragyps atratus (species).
Record captured by the Map of Life Rapid Assessments team during the XPRIZE Rainforest Finals in the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve of Amazonas state, Brazil.
Identified/verified by Jayden Skelly
observation_id: 31a3cb94-2122-be5a-2ad8-2f17484d8a15
submission_id: 4ff15148-7ca4-4f0f-b63e-2820d64c36fc
Source file reference data: 19.2_Mavic_6694.jpg (raw); 4852, 4853 (standardized)
Fêmea de Uirapuru-estrela dormindo ao lado do Igarapé (riacho), ave linda!!