Seen at a small watering hole below a seep on the face of el capitan, within 100m of the west side of the nose. Approximately 60cm long, very energetic and fast moving
Lifer Sierra Nevada Ensatinas! Plus it was a double flip with a juv. Ensatina. Ended up seeing 6 this trip! Note location not exact because I could not find it on the map. Found on the trail to toulumne grove of sequoias.
Another very old observation and photographs - information was previously captured in my logbook. This one from 1992. The last photo is a habitat shot. The snake was crawling about 10 feet off the ground on the rock face in the photo. It was a crazy situation as I had been hiking around for hours looking for snakes (specifically Rosy Boas) and didn't see a thing. I returned to where my truck was parked, set my flashlight down to relieve myself, and while doing so, looked up at the rock wall and saw the Rosy climbing in a horizontal crack in the rock. Temp was 68 degrees.
Went looking for my lifer arboreal salamander ending up with my lifer coast king!! Was slithering near the main trail. Chewed on my arm a bit. Released back where I found it. Anyone interested in searching for arboreals?
Caught in the golf course pond, several bass seen along the bank as well
Speckled Rattlesnake
Crotalus mitchellii
150-mile area, Esplanade, of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon (marker on map may be incorrect).
One of two possible garters, and the head is too short to be a Giant Garter Snake. Seen in a large agricultural canal. Head is covered in crap and debris.