Stuck with not my best microscope at the moment, so sorry for picture quality.
Stuck with not my best microscope at the moment, so sorry for picture quality.
Воронежская область, Семилукское сельское поселение, оз. Карьерное. Дно илистое + органика. Глубина=30-80 см, tокр.среды =23℃, p=757мм.рт., Ветер С-В=0,8 м/с, Влажность=42%, tводы=26,6℃, соленость=340 мг\л, Рh= 8,91, 50л. leg. Glyanko, 26.VII.2024, 10:02, det. Glyanko, VSU. 51.714968, 39.083563
In drop of water from the valley of the Dry Frio River in northern Uvalde County, southwestern Texas, on the southern border of the Edwards Plateau; elevation ~1750m (~5750 ft)