I saw what I believe to be a Red-tailed tropic bird while fishing out of the Hokianga harbor
What the heck? It's a little pliable, I was able to press it gently with my trekking pole, but didn't touch. Maybe 10 cm long
Manukau Harbour seashore at the eastern end of Sandy Bay (Gittos Domain), Blockhouse Bay, Auckland.
On the underside of a high-intertidal rock.
Lots of small ones. Look like prickles on the beach when they rise up waiting for a wave to come in and help them move around. I always find this behaviour fascinating. They must be able to tell when a large enough wave is coming. Photos from an hour or so before high tide
I think these are all this species. First 2 photos are the same individual. The rest are all one photo of each of a number found today.
This snail was in a pack of grapes from the US - not sure if I should report it?
A few juveniles together quite far out.
~6mm long
2nd hand account from a friend. Well covered observation. Whale had been blessed by local iwi and was being moved.
From debris entangled in fishing nets. Fishing area Toroneos gulf at ~30 m depth.
NOT bioluminescencing - just UV. If I could get both happening in the same photo I bet that would be something. Though not sure about the slime on the rock that's fluorescencing bright magenta.
Small pile of shells, exposed at the base of dunes cut into by the big seas lately.
Found by fishermen off Chalky Inlet who sent photos through.
2mm grid.
From a section of washup on the island. I dug down to the small shells underneath.
This is part of a selection from a second sample taken 11 days after that from 1 May and about three metres closer to the sea.
Intertidal mud flat
Laternula elliptica is not in the iNaturalist species database
Looks the same as https://inaturalist.nz/observations/167438665.
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the main beach of the small bay.
1mm grid.
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the main beach of the small bay.
1mm grid.
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the main beach of the small bay.
1mm grid.
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the main beach of the small bay.
1mm grid.
My guess would be Scalpomactra scalpellum but I'm not sure.
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
The overall shape is pretty distinctive for M coronata but I'm not sure about the aperture. Unfortunately I didn't get a square-on photo of it. Do I need to try again?
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
The bright white patch in the first photo is a reflection from the light.
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
This looks the same as https://inaturalist.nz/observations/162592284.
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
I'm guessing that this one is a polycheate rather than a mollusc. There were quite a few the same.
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
8.8 x 5.5 mm. Other than three live specimens from the same site (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/18597683, https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/20962245), this is the only shell of this species I have found in many trips to Naples Point. This was found in the shell hash and sand underneath a boulder in the low intertidal.
The irregular shape makes me think Hiatella but it seems very thin and transparent, even for a juvenile.
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
Another curly one.
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
Maybe a small one of these? Washed in with lots of Thalia democratica and Bassia
A few individuals were seen at same location. Found in
Shallow subtidal on soft sediment substrate.
I think. It's a very pretty little shell.
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
At first I thought it was a bivalve. Then I thought it was a limpet. Now I wonder if it's an internal shell from something like Berthella.
From a handful of beach sand at the high tide line on the island.
1mm grid
turtle skeleton on Waipapa Beach Southland. Dead about a month. Collected all the bones. Unusual for Southland. Needs id. I think possibly Olive Ridley or Green. Not Hawksbill.
1.1.16 I have assembled the skeleton and it is definitely an Olive Rodley