Sitting on a paper daisy plant, adjacent to a hardenbergia violacea.
Black-necked Stork caught and ate the Barramundi at the Wyampa Rd lagoon. Barramundi are pretty rare, although not unheard of in Brisbane. The lagoon is an ephemeral saline pool on the edge of tidal saltmarsh, seems to be topped up by rain and overland flow during flooding. The stork also caught a 30cm Oxeye Herring as I watched.
This lighter coloured Common Brown seen with hundreds of others on a flowering kunzea appears to be an unusual genetic variation. After looking more closely this individual has an additional eyespot on the hind wing under the usual eyespot. It settled beside a normal Common Brown to enable a good comparison.
ID'd after deliberation with Jeff Johnson and Jeff Leis. Depth unknown at this stage but near the edge of the continental shelf.