Month End Report, May. 2020 / 五月份的報告

Month End Report, May. 2020 (EN/英)
2020 年 五 月份的報告 (TW/台)**
Statistics as of May 2020 五月底的統計資料
....item......... ....number.... comparing with Feb... (MoM)
...........項目 ......................... 數量 ...........增加/減少(比列)
observation 觀察記錄: ...10,058...........+147....(+13.08%)
species (& ssp) ..物種: ...136*(139)........+0
people........參與人 數:......863.................+6...(-72.73%)

The obs added to the project increased a bit more than last month, merely 13.08%. As far as the species collected in the project, it remains the same as 136* since last Dec. Meanwhile, there were observations of 6 new users (whose obs were never added before) added to the project. 5 users joined the project as members in May. Welcome!

五月份,咱此个專案圭了 147 筆新記錄,无新的品種,六位新觀察者的記錄加入來;亦有五位新成員加入。

今年因為疫情的關係,真多工廠攏停工休睏,對經濟的影響真大,毋過煞顛倒互大自然一个休喘的機會。偕前幾年仔比起來,今年无熱赫爾早,連黃酸仔雨嘛出現「典型梅雨鋒面」。因為這陣仔,拄仔好有真多代誌,攏无去好好仔觀察一下,毋知影對阮這附近仔的田蛜佮秤仔的數量有啥乜影響。嘛因為此个疫情的關係, iNat 官方嘛建議一刮宁厝裡閣會使觀察大自然的方法。所以我想整個 iNat 的觀察記錄應該嘛會減少真多。

  • Though the Project Statistics on Project cover page shows that the number of species is as many as 137, one is mistakenly identified. So, it's 136 stated in this report.M
    ** TW is used to indicate Taiwanese Hokkien language here. However, the author well understands that there are several languages in Taiwan and Hokkien is only one of them. ↑

הועלה ב-יוני 1, 2020 05:01 לפנה"צ על ידי aru aru


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