7 months on iNat

Observing the spring in the garden has been particularly hard. So many plants have flowered so quickly, in many cases I could not recall what I had planted. However, it has been fantastic to see some positive results of some early gardening labors. Less positively I lost a lot of small cuttings to the heat of the sun, also lost some ferns I imported from Queensland, a Hawkesbury-endemic philotheca, etc. It is interesting how killing plants is sometimes very easy, sometimes very hard. I even managed to kill some trees ... I believe these may have been soil type related deaths, though cannot be certain.

A trip to the Hunter region showed me how diverse our bird life is once you step away from the coastal areas in to deeper rainforest. Apparently I made the first confirmed observation of an Australian land snail that is endemic to the area. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/62270403

Other minor wins include some audio recordings, an echidna and a swimming snake https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/62082204

Alas I must leave Australia and return to China for work now, it is unlikely I will have time to contribute in the near future. Although, should I have the chance, I would like to upload pictures of the giant snails in our area in China, and some of the mountain flora.

הועלה ב-אוקטובר 24, 2020 07:26 אחה"צ על ידי pratyeka pratyeka


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